Monday, April 26, 2010

Let's take a closer look at Why?

There are so many of us that are so quick to judge someone else. When most people see a pregnant teen especially they automatically assume that she 'did this to herself' by not bein safe and using protection. Many of us should consider the rape factor as a possibilty also. Statistic show that in America, every 2 mintues a women is raped. Over the last 2 years there have a recorded 787,000 women raped.
   We also need to look at the afterbirths of babies. Its no secret that babies are expensive, time consuming and wearysome. In our society, just a highschool diploma wont do. It is not enough to earn a decent living to support a family anymore. There is alot of pressure to go to college and having a baby interups that. Those who decide to get abortion, are well aware of this factor.
    It is understandable to be against abortion but at the same time, but for those who are so anti-abortion it is imparitive that they look at this side of it. These mothers do not feel that they have what is need to care for a baby. Whether is be the resources, finances or time.
    Let's take a step back and really look at and  consider all the factors that go into having and raising a child. Realize that there are some that, not because they just dont feel like it, that just dont have to means for a baby at that time in their life.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


As we all know abortion is everywhere. There have been protests,rallys,and march pertaining to this issue. It also plays a big role in our nations politics. It has been the tie breaker between in who you may vote for, for some people it is or isn't the reason someone will vote for a certain candidate.This issues, like any other, has two sides to it. There are those that believe that there should be no reason why a woman would kill their child. Many believe that everything happens for a reason so when a woman get pregnant it is her responsibility to take care of her child. She is to have the baby and take care of the child as best as she can.Then there is the other side of this issue. The side of the issue that says that they are not in any shape to take care of themselve let alone a baby. There are those that are just too young to be having a child. They have their entire life ahead of them and they are just not ready to put all of their dreams and asperations aside and on hold for a child that was never intended to be in their life so early.In my eyes, while yes I feel that having an abortion is murder, there are so many reasons then those of being to young that woman choose to have this operation. People make mistakes, they are careless at time and things just happen. Let's say a teenage girl does keep her baby at 16, what are her chances of going to college? What are her chances of getting a career or even graduating high school? Of course the girl is not doing it because she does not care about the baby, but at the same time she has to think about her and her future. While I think that she must seriously think of the other options such as adoption, if having an abortion is what she thinks is best for her and her future who are we to tell her no?