Monday, April 26, 2010

Let's take a closer look at Why?

There are so many of us that are so quick to judge someone else. When most people see a pregnant teen especially they automatically assume that she 'did this to herself' by not bein safe and using protection. Many of us should consider the rape factor as a possibilty also. Statistic show that in America, every 2 mintues a women is raped. Over the last 2 years there have a recorded 787,000 women raped.
   We also need to look at the afterbirths of babies. Its no secret that babies are expensive, time consuming and wearysome. In our society, just a highschool diploma wont do. It is not enough to earn a decent living to support a family anymore. There is alot of pressure to go to college and having a baby interups that. Those who decide to get abortion, are well aware of this factor.
    It is understandable to be against abortion but at the same time, but for those who are so anti-abortion it is imparitive that they look at this side of it. These mothers do not feel that they have what is need to care for a baby. Whether is be the resources, finances or time.
    Let's take a step back and really look at and  consider all the factors that go into having and raising a child. Realize that there are some that, not because they just dont feel like it, that just dont have to means for a baby at that time in their life.

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